Chester Garden Club

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Floral Arranging 101

With just about two weeks remaining before the annual Flower Show and Tea, members of the Chester Garden Club are busy monitoring their gardens in anticipation of creating the masterpieces they will enter as exhibits in the show. 

To help get those creative juices flowing, the club has enticed several experienced arrangers to provide demonstrations of the art and skill that are bound to impress the judges. On Monday, July 18, the focus of the club's monthly meeting will be on the concepts and special tips that go into producing a winning composition or arrangement. 

Details concerning the various classes that make up the competition are available via the link on the right-hand side of this blog (See Flower Show Schedule, under Events). The schedule includes definitions of the terms used in describing the parameters by which entries will be judged (See page 3 - Notes for Exhibitors). These parameters are important for both the horticultural and the design classes. This may be an opportunity to remind members that horticultural specimens are also an important part of the show. The judges who will critique the entries are qualified to review both the horticultural and the design classes and, in past years, visitors have expressed interest in viewing  the many specimens on display as well as the entries in the design classes. 

All members are encouraged to attend the July 18 meeting, 6:30 for 7:00 pm, at  St. Stephen's Parish Community Centre.  Whether a newbie or an experienced hand in the art of floral composition, you can always pick up some useful tips to help you create a beautiful or whimsical design. In addition, the organizing committee will be presenting final details concerning the show and confirming the volunteer duty roster. The show is open to members and non-members alike, and the committee hopes that many children will enter the two children's classes (for under 8 years, and for 8 to 16 years inclusive).


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