Chester Garden Club

Thursday, June 9, 2011

NSAGC Convention - Day 2 - June 4, personalities

Saturday morning dawned early for the organizers. The Registration Desk was staffed from 8:00 to 10:00 and the vendors were also up early to meet with registrants before the AGM got underway.

Meanwhile, in the Bluenose Room, a technology crisis was developing. As is frequently the case, the much-lauded advantages of modern electronic devices were once again offset by the problems caused from a lack  of compatibility between equipment sockets and connecting cables. Fortunately, with the help of both staff and volunteers, and additional equipment that was brought in, by the time the Annual General Meeting had concluded, a working connection was finally established between laptop and projector. The speaker, much relieved, was able to present her program as scheduled. Some of the presentations that followed also experienced minor A/V problems (see Niki and Duncan sorting out the processes below) but nothing in comparison to that first hitch.

The day's program rolled on with four concurrent sessions before lunch and another four when the meetings resumed after lunch, followed by Niki Jabbour's keynote address - "Kitchen Gardening". The following are a few of the shots we received from contributors. Because we don't have many photos of the actual lecture sessions, we decided to include, also, some photos of the various personalities who were responsible for making the convention work.

Logie Cassells answers questions about his views on healthy soil and  home-made jam.  

Emil and Peggy-Anne Pineau chat with Syd Dumaresq before he makes the introduction to her presentation.

Syd continues in his role as he introduces Rosmarie Bradley Lohnes.  

The audience for each speaker filled the room and, when time permitted,  engaged in spirited dialogues.

The entries in the flower arranging contest attracted admirers.

Barry Daniels helped sell raffle tickets on valuable donated items.

Myra and Sheila chat with head gardener, Theresa,  at the Risley Greenhouse.

Brenda Hiltz, NSAGC Director for District 6, and for all intents and purposes a fourth co-chair of the Convention, takes to the podium.    Below, Charles Berry,  president of NSAGC, speaks to the members at the AGM.

Seated under decorative club banners that were hung from the ceiling, delegates make notes during the proceedings.

Whether at coffee breaks or at any other opportunity, participants took time to meet and mingle. Here, Joan, enjoys a laugh in conversation with Niki and Linda.   Below,  Marion, Pam and Trish relax after a busy two days at the registration table.

A cash bar at the end of the afternoon prepared the way for a lively performance by Pat Watson and the Studio Singers from Chester, under the direction of Dawn Harwood-Jones.

Below, Doug Ross and the "Dougettes" perform a doo-wop number.


Then it was time for the banquet, much enjoyed by all, except perhaps Walter Ostrom whose keynote address had to wait until dessert was served. Once he began, however, he had the audience enthralled with his photographs and explanations about "The Seaside Gardens at Indian Harbour." Below, he and Todd Boland appear deep in conversation, perhaps comparing notes on latin names in horticulture.

Charles Berry and his wife,  Rosalee , were among those enjoying the festivities. 

To wind up the day's events, the evening's host, Brenda Garland, called upon committee chairs for presentation of awards won in such contests as floral arrangements, photo challenges, year-books and gardener of the year. 

Below,  Myra  announces the winners of the Floral competition: 1st - Jocelyn Cameron; 2nd - Myra Knight; and 3rd - Joanne Jellett.

And that is the limit of photos for today's blog, but stay tuned...We have some lovely photos taken during the tour of the Ostrum garden for the next instalment on the Chester Garden Club blog.


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