Chester Garden Club

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Another Successful Gardener's Sale

Coffee and muffins made a grey morning seem a little more cheerful as members of the Chester Garden Club gathered at 8:30 to prepare for the annual Gardener's Sale on Saturday, May 28. Nancy set up her "canteen" on the veranda of the old train station and Barb was one of her first customers.

Iris, one of the vendors who bring their wares to the Sale, chats with Myra, a member who doubled as a salesperson and who arrived with a whole trailer-load of annuals and perennials grown in her own garden.

Parked in a prime location against a shed, the Bonny Lea Farm display, with its combination of herbs and flowers stacked on a set of stairs, attracted a lot of attention.

As a stalwart supporter of the Club's annual sale, Rosmarie Lohnes sold her wares from the back of her Helping Nature Heal truck.


Plants that had been potted up by members from their own gardens were placed on tables assigned to sell at prices ranging from $2 to $5.

Among the vendors with garden accessories for sale was Casa Germanica, featuring watering cans and planters made from re-cycled materials.

In addition to checking out the many plants and garden articles for sale, customers were pleased to discover that they could fill a bag with free compost donated by Louisiana-Pacific Canada Ltd. from East Chester. 

By noon, vendors and volunteers began packing up the remaining items on their tables, and congratulating each other that the rain had held off. It had in fact been a very pleasant morning of greeting friends and strangers while earning some cash for the club's projects.

Now that this once-a-year sale is over, the countdown to the NSAGC Annual Convention begins!  Members of the Chester area clubs have been the chief organizers for the Convention and they are looking forward to next weekend when they will see the results of their long-range planning. For more information on the Convention - including Handouts -  please see the links on the upper right side of the blog.


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