Chester Garden Club

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

NSAGC Convention Update

It might have been the slogan - Seaside Spectacular - but whatever the reason, an overwhelming interest in the forthcoming convention of the Nova Scotia Garden Clubs Association has resulted in a flood of registrants for this year's event. The South Shore District's organizing committee has confirmed that the maximum number of registrants permitted by fire regulations has been reached and the hotel has stated that there are no more rooms available for Friday, June 2nd, although a few remain for Saturday, June 3rd. The committee has, however, established a wait list for those who were disappointed when trying to register. In the event of spaces opening up because of a change of plans by any current registrants, those on the wait list will be contacted in order of precedence. 

The Convention's organizing committee is looking forward to welcoming all the registrants, speakers and vendors to an exciting and educational convention at the Atlantic Hotel & Marina Oak Island in the community of Western Shore.  The full program can be found by clicking on the side-bar link on this blog (NSAGC Convention). The program pages follow the (now-inoperative) registration form. To see a list of the donors who are supporting the convention, click on the last page. 


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