Chester Garden Club

Thursday, June 2, 2011

The Final Countdown

With the NSAGC Convention just a couple of days away, the final countdown is on. Here, a few members of the organizing committee are bent to the task of folding the programs that will be handed out to registrants on Friday. Some other handouts have been sent via e-mail to the registrants who have online addresses, with a request that they print out the pages of particular interest to them.

For those participants coming from other areas of the province, you might be interested to know that the Chester area experienced a dramatic electrical storm last night, but the power came on this morning and this afternoon the sun is shining! Unfortunately, the forecast calls for cloudy periods and a few more showers during the next few days so don't leave your umbrella at home. And remember to leave a little extra space available in your suitcase for your return trip. The vendors will have tempting wares for sale and there are a large number of door prizes to be handed out as well!  We're looking forward to a stimulating, busy and entertaining convention. See you there!


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