Chester Garden Club

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Bloom Day North - December

Despite the vicious winter storms raging in other parts of the country, the Chester area remains unscathed. For now! We are, nevertheless, a little short on outdoor floral exhibits except for Christmas wreaths and other evergreen boughs adorning decks and houses. The single photo submitted for December 15th (Bloom Day North) came in from regular contributor, Sandy.

The display above comprises several Calluna vulgaris "Blazeaway" plants that are backed up by a golden cedar and some redwood branches. Although this photo doesn't show it, the lawns in our area are still quite green and, in some gardens, the first green shoots of crocus bulbs are pushing up above ground. Those poor shoots are in for a shock when the season actually kicks into gear.


At December 21, 2010 at 10:47 PM , Blogger Tanya Boracay said...

Wow great, they colorful.

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