Chester Garden Club

Monday, November 15, 2010

Bloom Day North - November

Continuing with our tradition (a relatively new one, but who's keeping track?) of posting photos from Chester area gardens on the 15th of each month, we are including a shot of one of the few "blooms" in your blogger's garden at this time. The feathery seed-heads of these ornamental grasses serve as worthy substitutes for flowers now that a series of frosts have decimated more delicate plants.

From Sandy, one of the blog's regular contributors, we received three photos taken on a lovely sunny November 15th to add to the collection of Bloom Day photos. On the right, a Musk Rose(Mozart)provides a surprise with its several blooms at this late date.

The silver "coins" of a Lunaria annua or "money plant" below, add a bright sparkle to a November garden.

Sandy's Japanese red maple (Acer palmatum Bloodgood) is in full flame while other deciduous trees have long since shed their leaves.


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