Chester Garden Club

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Sprucing up the Bandstand

As the month of December was fast approaching, Chester Garden Club members turned out for the annual garlanding of the village bandstand. Shown here on a sunny weekend morning are former presidents Sheila and Brenda, along with active member Anna, taking a short break from fastening on the spruce boughs that form the basis of the seasonal decorations in this architectural gem in the village.

Once the group had managed to tie on a thick layer of boughs, the strings of coloured lights were laid on top and fastened down as well. More greenery was "hung on the pillars with care, in hopes that Saint Nicholas soon would be there." (Well not exactly there, but ...)

With such a merry band of helpers, the job was done in jig time and a helpful passerby took a photo of the group.

Having completed the task of hanging the greenery, the gardeners repaired to a nearby house where sumptuous food and drink awaited. All agreed that there was nothing like mulled wine to warm cold hands. Of course the delicious home-made soup and breads were much appreciated as well.

Barb, Heather (newly elected president) and Betty ponder their choices as they select from the many goodies offered. The centrepiece, which came from a local market, incorporated fruit and other edibles in an array of evergreens.

The Club's next scheduled event is the Christmas party, slated for December 4. Then, after a break over the holiday season, members of the club will be hard at work in their preparations for hosting the 2011 annual convention of the NSAGC (June 3 - 5) . For more information on that subject, please click on the tab on the sidebar, under Events, labeled NSAGC Convention. That link contains the full program and a registration form for the convention. Please note that it's not too early to send in your registration form. After March 31, a late registration fee will be applied.


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