Chester Garden Club

Monday, August 29, 2011

Summer Whites

Many gardens in the Chester area are now morphing from their mid-summer pinks and blues to the transitional shades of yellow and tangerine as summer prepares to give way to fall. And providing just the right accent to those predominantly bronze-coloured blooms, we are pleased to welcome the white blossoms of plants that appear at this season.

The buddleja shrub above is loaded with flower stalks that attract butterflies seeking a wee drink from the tiny individual blooms that form the flower mass. Commonly known as the butterfly bush, this plant is named for Adam Budd, a 17th century cleric who was also a keen botanist.

The tall stalk of a gladiolus lightens up the green and gold palette; its fresh blossoms act like a crisp white collar on a dark ensemble.

Although the Chester Garden Club has not yet announced details of its fall program, the regular meetings are scheduled to start again in September. Meanwhile, anyone interested in attending another flower show is invited to drop in to the Floral Arts Show with the theme "Honouring Autumn", which will be presented by our neighbouring club - Basin Gardeners - on September 3rd and 4th. The show will be held at the Aenon Baptist Church Fellowship Hall in Chester Basin, with visitors welcome from 1 to 6 in the afternoon on both days.

A lovely white begonia adds another delicate accent to the edge of a path lined with shrubbery. For a gardener longing to extend summer, every plant is precious. Chester gardeners felt themselves extremely lucky that hurricane Irene, which had been forecast to be heading our way, changed course and spared our local territory. It was truly [a] Good night, Irene! This morning's gardens appear to have survived intact. 


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