Chester Garden Club

Monday, June 28, 2010

A Welcome Rain

Few gardeners in Nova Scotia have ever been accused of complaining about too much sunshine but, nevertheless, the rain that fell today was a welcome sight. Although there have been days when fog or mist drifted in over seaside properties for an hour or so, the newly planted annuals in many gardens have been in need of real moisture for some weeks. Like most perennials, the peonies in the first two shots have managed to survive quite nicely but those two photos were taken last week. Today is a different story.

After the rain overnight and today, many of the fullest blooms have now ceded way, their petals scattered on the ground. The smaller blooms, however, are holding their own, with drops of rain clinging like pearls on velvet petals.

Even fuchsias in a hanging basket appear to be refreshed by the steady showers.

Ladies' mantle leaves are perfectly constructed to gather drops of moisture. The fish in the image below appears to be swimming through an underwater garden of plants, evoking memories of snorkeling in Caribbean waters.

Our gardens are bursting with growth and colour at this time of year. We would love to post some of your Chester photos on this site. Contact us at the e-mail address above.


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