Chester Garden Club

Monday, May 24, 2010

Gardener's Sale

The sunshine and high temperatures in the Chester area have resulted in a virtual explosion of colourful blossoms in the last week. Taking advantage of a long weekend, gardeners are following the old adage of beginning to plant their gardens in the week the apple trees are in bloom. Members of the Chester Garden Club have been preparing for next weekend's sale by potting up perennials from their personal gardens. The sale includes commercial vendors as well, and is a popular spring event. All plants bought at bargain prices next weekend have been hardened off in pots and will be ready for transplanting into the buyer's garden in the weeks ahead.

Although the sale usually draws a large number of eager buyers who show up before the sales crew are ready, it doesn't actually open until 9:00 am. Plants donated from members' gardens are placed on tables designated according to the price range but all are considered a bargain. The commercial vendors offer a good variety of plants and garden accessories for everyone from the novice to the experienced gardener. Coffee and muffins are available, and the event is a pleasant opportunity to mingle with fellow gardeners. We hope to see many of you there.


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