Chester Garden Club

Monday, June 29, 2009

Ten days and counting...

If you haven't already printed out a copy of the requirements for entering this year's Flower Show on July 9th, you can do so by clicking on the side-bar at the right (Flower Show Schedule). Check the specifications for the various classes and begin planning your entries. Deadlines: All entries must be brought to the Chester Legion on either Wednesday evening, July 8, between 7 and 8 pm; or Thursday, July 9, between 8 and 10 am. No entries will be accepted after 10 am, when the doors will close and the judging will begin. The show, with winning entries identified, will be open to the public on Thursday afternoon from 1:30 to 5:30 pm.

Lupins, foxgloves and even poppies seem to be growing much taller than usual this season. It must be the rain! There has to be some explanation for the extra-luxurious growth and greenery along hedge-rows, roadsides and garden borders. It certainly can't be the sun (or lack of same).

Despite the damp weather, Chester is awash (a sorry sort of pun - ed. ) in colourful blossoms. The blooms of many azaleas and rhodos are now ceding centre stage to flowering shrubs like weigela and beauty bush, as well as masses of rosa rugosas. Potentilla and early varieties of clematis can also be seen on properties throughout the village and its surrounding areas.

In keeping with the grand old tradition, Chester's annual Flower Show and Tea continues to be a highlight of the summer. The floral competition is open to all, and everyone is invited to attend the tea (served from 2 to 4 pm) and admire the beautiful arrangements and single specimens, whether or not they submitted an entry. Tickets ($7 for adults; $5 for children 16 years and under) are available at the door. Attending the show and tea is a lovely way to spend a few hours with a friend, chatting and comparing notes on the creative artistry of our gardening community.



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