Chester Garden Club

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Correction re May 18th meeting

Oops! What a difference a day makes (or in this case, a week or so!). Apparently, the guest speaker whose topic was "herbs" has had to bow out of the line-up for May and will be replaced by a different speaker on a different topic. Unfortunately, your blogger didn't get the memo.

The meeting date, May 18, remains as advertised but the new topic will be Planting for the Birds, and our speaker will be Brenda Hiltz, an experienced gardener with a talent for attracting birds to her garden. My apologies for the misleading information in an earlier post.

Spring weather has brought forth beautiful blossoms on trees and shrubs in the Chester area. The star magnolia above had undergone severe pruning by a house painter last summer but has managed to put forth a glorious array of blooms this spring, even if, the white tepals appear to be clusters of new snow!



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