Chester Garden Club

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Membership Renewal

With the approach of the Club's Annual General Meeting, scheduled for November 16, members of the board met recently to review membership numbers, current finances and related activities. The total membership in 2009 stood at 63 and, as the Club's fiscal year-end is August 31st, those members who have not yet renewed their membership for 2010 are reminded that they may pay their dues ($20) now or at the AGM.

The AGM will include annual reports from the current officers and committee chairs. The Nominating Committee will present a slate of nominees for the incoming board. Only members in good standing (ie, who have paid the dues for 2010 before the start of the meeting) will be eligible to vote during the AGM.

In addition to the AGM business, there will be a presentation by a representative of the popular Lee Valley Tools company, with a focus on new gardening equipment. The meeting will be start at 7:30 pm, in the St. Stephen's Parish Community Centre, Chester. All members - old, renewing, and new - are encouraged to attend.

The newly-laid sod seen in the photo above encompasses a large swath of the Cove Garden. Because the ground was very wet when the sod was laid and, also, the community has experienced several periods of light rain since then, we are optimistic that we will have a healthy lawn by next spring.

The photo below, taken at low tide, shows the outlet of the pipe that is the end-piece of the new drainage system. Although some water flows into the pipe as the tide rises, it is directed into a crock (catch-basin) that empties again as the tide recedes. The ground above the drainage system is thus unaffected and no longer subject to subsidence.


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