Chester Garden Club

Monday, November 10, 2008

Annual General Meeting

All members of the Chester Garden Club are encouraged to attend the Annual General Meeting, which will be held on November 17th at Chester's United Baptist Church Hall. In a timely nod to the approaching festive season, the Program Committee has arranged for a guest speaker, Paula Fredericks, to present a demonstration of various floral designs for your Christmas decorating.

Paula is an experienced Visual Display Artist, with over ten years of experience in Christmas and seasonal decor for many types of commercial spaces. Working from a home studio, she also creates custom designs for private homes. In addition to her design business, she is the owner of, a networking site for musicians, hosts and audiences interested in-house concerts. Chester gardeners will be interested to know that Paula is in her second year as President of the St. Margarets Bay Gardening Club.

In addition to auctioning off the creations that Paula will make during the evening, she will also have with her an assortment of Christmas-themed items (brought back from the Toronto Gift Fair) for sale to club members.

Following the presentation and a refreshment break (including mince pies!), the president will convene the AGM during which we will hear reports from Club officers and committee chairs, and then elect a new board of directors. If you haven't yet paid your dues for the 2009 year, you may do so at the meeting. As a reminder, everyone is welcome to join the Club but only paid-up members have voting privileges.


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