Chester Garden Club

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

March 1: Bulbs on the Horizon

For the Club's first event of the year, the program committee has arranged for Logie Cassells, The Chester Gardener, to present a talk with slides on the care and nurturing of bulbs. Logie will cover tips and techniques related to the care of spring-flowering bulbs, and provide information concerning the planting of those other bulbs that favour an appearance in summer or fall.

The meeting will be held on March 16th at 7:00 pm, in St. Stephen's Parish Community Centre, at the corner of King and Regent streets in Chester. New members are always welcome.

Springtime in Chester brings back the Garden Club's attractive armillary sphere, set off by a brilliant display of tulips in the Parade Square garden.


Monday, February 23, 2009

February 23: Snowy Gardens

For those Garden Club members who have fled to warmer climes, we are including a couple of photos that will make them nostalgic for the crisp clear air of Chester in winter. In response to a request for photos, Kerry Keddy has sent in a few images of rhododendrons frosted with snow, their leaves recoiling from the very cold temperatures that we experienced this winter.

Although the pristine snow-covered fields and gardens in Chester are a good deal more attractive than the dirty mounds of snow and ice that line the city streets, our village streets and county side-roads have been ice-covered for much of this season, which makes for tricky walking and driving. Nevertheless, the hardier souls have treked to ski hills and skating rinks.

The good news is that we've survived the worst, and March is less than a week away! Still, while there's no chance of doing any outside gardening for a couple of months at least, why not pick up your camera, check out the beauty in our winter wonderland, and record some of the interesting landscapes around you? Then, contact us to ask about publishing your photos on the Chester Garden Club blog.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

February days

Spring means azaleas

Already, the days are growing longer and, when we're not lamenting the treacherous ice underfoot on Chester pathways, we're exchanging cheerful greetings with our neighbours about the brighter skies and the welcome warmth of the sun. According to the calendar, there are now more winter days behind us than ahead. That fact, along with the welcome arrival of seed catalogues, is a cause for celebration. To encourage local gardeners who are looking ahead to the pleasures of spring, we're posting a few shots taken in last year's
gardens. If any members have garden photos they'd like to share on-line, we'd be happy to oblige. Just click on "Contact Us" in the space
above and send us an e-mail.

Water gardens, with their population of colourful fish, are a delightful feature of many gardens.

Your Club blogger is in the process of updating some of the information on the club's blog. The Program Committee's schedule of events for the year will be on the site soon, along with news of other events. Please be patient as we go through a learning process. In the meantime, please note that the Club has no meeting scheduled for February. The first meeting of the year will take place on March 16th.

The warmth of a summer meadow beckons