Chester Garden Club

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Books for Maritime Gardeners

Lois Hole. Perennial Favourites. Lone Pine, 1995, CAD 19.95With forty years of professional gardening experience, the late Lois Hole covers a wide range of topics that are grist for any gardener’s mill. She answers such basic questions as: What are perennials? Where do we plant them? What kind of soil and climatic conditions do they require? And how and when should they be divided? Her common sense approach and practical wisdom makes this book a must for any gardener.

Marjorie Harris. The Canadian Gardener. A Guide for Gardening in Canada. Random House. 1990. CAD 34.95
Noted gardening writer Marjorie Harris and photographer Tim Saunders have compiled a comprehensive guide that will appeal to both the beginner and those with extensive experience. From the basic principles of gardening through to the section on the suitability of particular plants for specific hardiness zones, the book contains a wealth of information and many inspiring photographs. It is a delight to read both as literature and as a reference book.

Duncan Kelbaugh and Alison Beck. Gardening Month by Month in the Maritimes. Lone Pine. 2004. CAD 19.95
It is a real treat to read a gardening book that is exclusively focused on the needs of the Maritime gardener. This handy seasonal planner is filled with dozen of practical tips to help you keep your garden looking its best throughout the year. It also provides a welcome list of resource sources.

Carol Martin. A History of Canadian Gardening. Macmillan and Company. 2000. CAD 29.95Carol Martin traces the history of gardening in Canada from aboriginal cultivation, through early colonial settlers, the creation of pioneer gardens, the City Beautiful Movement of the early 20th Century, railway, school and public gardens. There is a short section on the creation of garden clubs. It helps to place our efforts in context.

Jodi DeLong. The Atlantic Gardener’’s Greenbook: Organic Gardening on Canada’’s East Coast. Saltscapes. 2005. CAD 17.95
Saltscape’s gardening editor, Jodi DeLong, introduces the reader to a variety of subjects of direct interest to the Nova Scotia gardener. Part 1, From the Ground Up, touches on climatic zones, soil, design, seeds and problems (including the activities of deer). Part 2, The Fun Stuff, looks at plantings and discusses bulbs, day lilies and other perennials, annuals, roses, native plants, winter and green gardening. Annexes identify plants for seasonal interest, provide a useful bibliography on gardening, and list select nurseries and public gardens.

Marjorie Harris. How to Make a Garden: 7 Essential Steps for the Canadian Gardener. Random House, 2006. CAD 29.95
Drawing on an additional sixteen years of experience since she wrote The Canadian Gardener: A Guide for Gardening in Canada", Marjorie Harris dispenses down-to-earth advice in her seven steps that will benefit everyone from the novice to the master gardener. The seven steps include advice re pre-gardening preparation as well as details on planting and care of the plants. The book contains a useful annex entitled "The Indispensable Plant List" and the illustrations are superb.

Fall Schedule Update

The first autumn meeting of the Club took place in September, on the grounds of the new St Stephen’s Parish Community Centre. The focus of the evening was a “plant and seed exchange” among members, an activity that raised over $200 for the Club. That event was followed by an “info exchange” at the October meeting, held at the United Baptist Church Hall, when Herb Fraser presented an overview of gardening books that he considered were most relevant to maritime gardeners. A list of some of the books he discussed can be found in another section of this blog.

The Annual General Meeting of the Club is scheduled for 7:30 pm, November 17th , and will be held at the United Baptist Hall in Chester. The guest speaker will be Logie Cassells, who will present an illustrated talk on ornamental grasses.

The Club will wind up the calendar year with a Christmas party on December 5th, but not before an intrepid group of members participate in the annual ritual of decorating the Chester bandstand on the morning of November 29th. The traditional green boughs and white lights are hung on the railings as the Club’s contribution to beautifying the village for the festive season. The photo shows work in progress at last year's event. Following the decorating session, tradition demands that participating members are treated to hot mulled wine and snacks.